[Paper reading] Precision and Recall for Time Series.
Bangda Sun
Practice makes perfect
Efficient Way to Train Word Embeddings
[Paper reading] Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality.
Models to Learn Word Representation
[Paper reading] Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space.
Neural Network on Language Model
[Paper reading] A Neural Probabilistic Language Model.
NBSVM - A Strong Classification Baseline
[Paper reading] Baseline and Bigrams: Simple, Good Sentiment and Topic Classification.
Bash and Git Quick Reference
Bash and Git Cheatsheet.
Time Series Models Overview (2) - State Space Model and Kalman Filter
State Space Models and Kalman Filter.
Deep Learning Basis & Cheatsheet
Deep Learning Basic Cheatsheet: Basis (Node, Layer, Activation Function), Feed Forward, Back Propagation, Optimization (Stochastic Gradient Descent), Regulartion (Dropout), Batch Normalization, Gradient Vanishing and Exploding.
Time Series Models Overview (1) - ARIMA
ARIMA Family.
Stanford NLP (coursera) Notes (10) - Relation Extraction
Relation Extraction.